Fishing News  with Kitimat Lodge

Steelhead and Coho Everyday

Good Times in Kitimat All the Way From Spain Not too bad of a week for the Spanish fellas, Steelhead everyday and quite a few Coho for that aggressive grab. Flyfishing the September season on the many juicy pools. Kitimat Lodge we make dreams come true, so come join us. .  Fly FishingTours operate using rafts, drift boats and jetboat...

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  2943 Hits

12 From Ontario Cleaned up on Coho

Spectacular July Fishing this Year Another great week at our Kitimat Lodge, our 12 man crew from Ontario Canada cleaned up on the Coho Salmon, drift boat, Jetboat and Saltwater fishing was the tours offered. Many large Coho are entering the area and as you can see from the photos it was a blast. It was also the Chamber of Commerce Coho derby before...

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  2780 Hits

Still Waters and Perfect Weather

The Calm Emerald Waters were Perfect for this Kayak Expedition Kayak expedition today for these explorers of northern BC. Check out these spectacular Emerald coastal waters surround by untouched nature. We're happy to add that the Kayak rentals were supplied by the Kitimat Chamber of Commerce. .  Fly FishingTours operate using r...

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  2560 Hits

Another great week at Kitimat Lodge

Another great week at our Kitimat Lodge, our 12 man crew from Ontario Canada cleaned up on the Coho Salmon, drift boat, Jetboat and Saltwater fishing was the tours offered. Many large Coho are entering the area and as you can see from the photos it was a blast. It was also the Chamber of Commerce Coho derby before the kids go back to school and it'...

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  3213 Hits

Spring Salmon are Running

Don't miss your salt water trip now! Check out our latest shots of the fabulous Salmon we're on the water with right now! Bookings are picking up fast so contact us asap to find out about the dates you want to get in on the action. There is always a catch! It's time for your fishing adventure dream to become a reality. Northern BC and its...

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  3369 Hits

Double Digit Success

This is one sweet catch :) Our local Kitimat Lodge guides Gordon and Mike both hit double digits yesterday for their guests. Steelhead are still migrating down the river and are still aggressively taking the hooks. The Chinooks are in full swing and as you can see Rodney has been tiring out his arms from yesterday's drift with guide Gordon.&nb...

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  3007 Hits

Local & Tourist Opportunities

With the "sun-a-shining" in the Kitimat valley we have opportunities for locals & tourists alike.  Let's get out of the house:) Take a walk on the many trails, in particular the Hirsch Creek trail walking upstream to the jumping bridge. Take a boat tour to visit the seasonal Sea Lions basking in the sun near Loretta Island. Rent or br...

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  4059 Hits

It's another Summer Halibut Fest!

Summer fishing at Kitimat Lodge means halibut and other surprises The weather could not have been more accommodating for the fabulous halibut fishing groups we've had this last week. Our guests were thrilled with the good times had and memories they'll take back for a lifetime. And... Halibut!There is always a catch! It's time for your fi...

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  2628 Hits

April fishing is tranquil and bountiful

Some of our favorite shots this week It's no secret; some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable is right here on the water when we're out with our guests for a day of fishing and adventure. We never know what's around that next corner and we always want to find out. Booking your spring and summer guided fishing adventure in Kitimat BC is as easy...

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  1665 Hits

Spectacular, July 2019

Spectacular July Fishing this Year The weather is warm and the waters abundant. Numbers are great, and check out this amazing gallery of catches for our guests this week! The Nass River wilderness adventures are riddled with never ending excitement and always full of pleasant fresh water fishing surprises. Among our favorite shots you'll see 8...

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  1662 Hits

656 Dadook
Kitimat, BC V8C 1A1
L: 250-632-6677
C: 250 639-4277