Saltwater Fishing at Kitimat Lodge
Kitimat Lodge
Saltwater Fishing tours throughout May, June, July, August and September on 97rb Kitimat River Estuary Jetboat and Douglas Channel 30ft Saltwater Passenger vessel for Chinook, Coho, Halibut and Crab. Group Tours, half days and more.
Our Saltwater Fishing Adventure takes you deep into Coastal British Columbia in search of Salmon, Crab and Halibut as well exploring and sightseeing. We venture in our 32ft Welded aluminum Transport Canada approved vessel to the Salmon and Halibut grounds. Our season starts in April thru to November, targeting Salmon, Halibut and Crab. Our vessel can accommodate a maximum of 12 passengers, with overnight options.
We also have the option for group booking only, Hot Springs tour and Humpback Whales.
Other Fishing Tours at Kitimat Adventures

Fly Fishing
Fly Fishing tours operate using rafts, driftboats and jetboats; from the Nass, Skeena (classified), Kitsumkalum (classified), Kitimat and our Jurassic Parks, variety is our goal.

Freshwater Fishing
Fishing for Steelhead and all species of Pacific Salmon. Choose from the exciting Nass River, Skeena River, Kalum River, Douglas Channel, Kitimat River and Kitimat Tidal.

Saltwater Fishing
Choose from the Nass River, Skeena River, Kalum River, Douglas Channel, Kitimat River & Kitimat Tidal, Freshwater Fishing for Steelhead and all species of Pacific Salmon.